A-B Emblem's ASTP 5 inches initialed patches


ASTP - Apollo Soyuz Test Project

Launch date  July 15, 1975 19:50 UTC
Landing  July 24, 1975 21:18 UTC
Mission duration  9 d 01 h 28 m
Number of orbits  148


copyright by
A-B Emblem, Weaverville, NC 28787-9252


I knew that there are three special 5 inch ASTP patches showing the initials "VDB", "DKS" and "TPS". After seeing ASTP patches with the initials "BHK" and "AAЛ" on the internet I asked AB Emblem whether they made all these five special 5 inch ASTP patches.

Feb. 16, 2006 I received the following answer:
"Mr. [Bernie] Conrad [President of A-B Emblem] verifies that we made all these emblems as a special favor to the Astronauts. We have a framed set with their signatures which he took pictures of for you. See his comment below as well."

Mr. Bernie Conrad furtheron told me:
"My Dad [Henry Conrad] had a very nice relationship with Tom Stafford.
These emblems  were a result of that relationship."

Harald, I can tell you that years ago, we used to "paint" vegetable paste (starch) on the backs of emblems to stiffen them.
I do not remember the year we changed our procedure to plastic backs. I don't think we want to dismantle the frames to check as to whether the emblems have starched backs or plastic backs. Sorry.


"Harald, Bernie Conrad has given approval for you to use these pictures on the website."

Frame 2
Frame presented to the employees of Conrad Industries
A-B Emblem ASTP 5 inches initialed patches -frame 2-

Detailed view of the devotement
A-B Emblem ASTP 5 inches initialed patches -frame 2- devotement


A detailed view of the five special ASTP 5 inch initialed patches (signature at top, the patch in the middle and the intials at the bottom):

Astronaut Thomas P. Stafford
A-B Emblem ASTP 5 inches initialed patch - Thomas P. Stafford


Astronaut Vance D. Brand
A-B Emblem ASTP 5 inches initialed patch - Vance D. Brand


Astronaut Donald K. Slayton
A-B Emblem ASTP 5 inches initialed patch - Donald K. Slayton


Cosmonaut Aleksei A. Leonov
Cyrillic: Алексе́й А. Лео́нов

A-B Emblem ASTP 5 inches initialed patch - Aleksei A. Leonov


Cosmonaut Valeri N. Kubasov
Cyrillic: Валерий Н. Кубасов

A-B Emblem ASTP 5 inches initialed patch - Valeri N. Kubosov


Frame 1
"Harald, Mr. Conrad has found another picture inscribed to Henry Conrad (his father) and it has all the astronauts signatures on it.

A-B Emblem ASTP 5 inch initialed patches -frame 1-

Detailed view of the devotement
A-B Emblem ASTP 5 inches initialed patch frame 1 - devotement

A-B Emblem ASTP 5 inches initialed patch frame 1 - signatures


Harald Kraenzel